Penis enlargement by folk remedies

The small size of the penis often causes problems in love relationships. The owner of a short and thin penis is not able to satisfy a woman, because of which she experiences some discomfort and, probably, gets herself a lover.

To increase the penis, men take medications, turn to surgeons or purchase expensive devices (pumps and extenders). But, as practice shows, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money or exhaust the body with chemicals. To make the penis longer and thicker will help alternative medicine.

Recipes for folk remedies based on herbs

Means prepared from herbal ingredients at home differ from synthetic drugs and dietary supplements in safety and completely natural composition. A man knows exactly what is included in the basis of a solution or mixture for penis enlargement and in what proportions.

herbs for penis enlargement

For outdoor use

Healers practicing alternative medicine offer men who are unhappy with the size of their penis three effective remedies for local use (in the intimate area):

  • Tincture.100 g of dried and ground leaves of ginkgo biloba are poured into a glass of good alcohol and infused for 14 days in a container with dark walls so that light does not penetrate inside. After two weeks, the tincture is filtered, the grass is squeezed through a strainer and discarded. The finished product is rubbed into the penis several times a day with soft, massage movements. The head cannot be treated with alcohol infusion, because irritation may develop and the oven will start;
  • Compresses.A whole ginseng root is crushed in a blender, poured with vodka diluted with water in proportions of 1: 1. The remedy is infused for 7 days, after which it is filtered. A piece of cloth or gauze is wetted in it, which must be wound around the penis for 30-50 minutes. Before the procedure, the water-vodka infusion is heated to a comfortable temperature;
  • Aloe juice.The chemical composition of the plant contains substances that stimulate the growth of soft tissue cells and increase the sensitivity of nerve endings. With regular use of pure aloe juice, a man not only lengthens the penis, but also increases the reaction of erogenous zones to caresses. To experience a lot of pleasure while having sex, and to make the penis a little longer, you need to daily rub gruel from aloe rolled in a meat grinder into his skin. Every day a fresh mass is made.

Some healers advise wiping the penis with 9% vinegar essence diluted with water. According to them, vinegar contains acids that increase blood flow to the penis at the time of erection, due to which it becomes larger in diameter and slightly lengthens.

Doctors say that this method really improves blood circulation in the penis, but it is fraught with chemical burns, allergies and irritation of the delicate skin. Therefore, such a folk remedy should be used with caution.

For oral administration

The herbs listed below have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevent vein thrombosis, promote the opening of the cavernous bodies of the penis and facilitate their filling with blood when excited:

  • Ginseng;
  • Peruvian maca;
  • Ginko biloba;
  • hawthorn berries;
  • Nettle;
  • Blackberry;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • Dandelion;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Elder;
  • Blueberry.


Some herbs are easy to find, such as nettle and dandelion, while others can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered online. You can also use a tincture based on the desired plant, but it is less effective and is not suitable for those who are contraindicated in alcohol products.

herbal remedies for penis enlargement

They make teas for them. For one cup of boiling water, you need to take 1-1. 5 tablespoons of raw materials, pour hot water and insist for 5-10 minutes. Sugar or honey is added to the cooled drink. If the tea is too bitter, then next time you need to add half a tablespoon of herbs or berries.

You should drink such a drink every day - in the morning and 3-4 hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, tea should not be taken, as some herbs cause insomnia. The duration of taking decoctions is individual. Usually, an improvement in blood circulation and a slight increase in the penis is noted after 30-45 days.

In addition to teas, decoctions are prepared from the presented herbs. In 500 ml of water, boil 2-3 tablespoons of a ground plant or berries, after which the drink is cooled, mixed with honey or sweet jam, divided into 3 times and drunk every three hours during the day.

Penis Enlargement Exercises

Many men dream of making their "manhood" as big as that of a Negro, for which you need to perform the following exercises daily:

  • Method of "milking".In the "standing" position, you need to take the penis in your hand and make movements that resemble milking. The member should be pulled down, not to the side, to avoid deformation of the muscles and corpora cavernosa. For the first time, a 10-minute lesson is enough, and then you need to extend it every day for a couple of minutes. To facilitate the sliding of the palm over the genitals, it is recommended to lubricate it with petroleum jelly or natural sunflower oil;
milking technique for penis enlargement
  • Stretching.Standing or squatting, you need to take the penis next to the head and pull it down. After 15-20 seconds, the member is released and the action is repeated again. In one lesson, you need to pull it at least 15 times. After each day, you need to increase the frequency of stretching by 3-4. When performing this exercise, you need to remember that all movements should be smooth and accurate, not causing pain;
  • Strengthening smooth muscles.With each trip to the toilet "little by little" it is necessary to interrupt the stream by tensing the muscles in the perineum. This will help strengthen them and make the fabric structure supple. In the process of intimacy, the muscles will not block the blood flow to the cavernous bodies, due to which the penis will become a little larger;
  • smoothing.The penis is placed between the palms, smeared with petroleum jelly or lubricant, and smoothed out with gentle movements towards the head. It is important that at this moment he was relaxed. If an erection occurs, you should continue a little until the penis becomes flaccid again. One lesson lasts from 10 to 15 minutes.

Penis exercises are an effective way to enlarge the penis. But if performed incorrectly, they can harm small vessels and delicate tissues. Therefore, they should be done with caution and in the absence of such health problems:

  • Polyps in the urethra;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Malignant and benign tumors.

Also, exercises will have to be abandoned if there are wounds, ulcers or other damage on the skin of the penis.

Other folk methods

In addition to exercises and herbal remedies for male enhancement, there are other methods that will help a man who is unhappy with the size of his penis:

  • Vacuum.For this method you will need a vacuum cleaner. The pipe through which the dust is sucked is thoroughly washed with soap and rinsed. The inlet is lubricated with petroleum jelly and the penis is placed inside. After you need to turn on the vacuum cleaner at low power, gradually increasing it. When discomfort is felt, it is necessary to turn off the device and carefully remove the penis. After the first procedure, it will become wider and longer. But it is worth remembering that this is a dangerous option, which is likely to cause swelling and bruising;
  • Use of soda.Rubbing a penis with sodium bicarbonate is an old-fashioned way to increase the penis. Small particles of soda irritate the skin of the penis and cause blood to rush to it. As a result, it becomes larger, but only in diameter;
  • Load hanging.This method was very popular among the American Indians. Its essence is in hanging a small weight from the penis, which pulls the penis down and stretches the skin, muscles and cavernous bodies. With it, you can increase the phallus, but it will take a lot of time. However, sooner or later, but it will become longer. Choosing this method, you should carefully select the weight of the weight. If it is very heavy, vascular rupture and soft tissue damage will occur;
  • CONSPIRACY.Such rituals are not very effective, but they still help someone, judging by the reviews on men's forums. To increase the penis, you need to buy a green candle, smear it with olive oil and hold parsley sprigs over the flame. After that, the greens are cut finely, transferred to a plate with holy water, and they whisper over it what size of penis I would like to have. Then you need to thank the spirits for their help and pour the contents of the plate away from home;
  • bees.The last popular way is extremely dangerous. Several insects need to be planted in a three-liter bottle. The jar is closed with a rubber lid with a hole the size of the penis. Next, you need to put your penis in the bottle and wait until the bees start to sting him. Insect bites will increase blood circulation and make the penis larger (it will swell). However, this method is dangerous to health, as allergies can begin, which will lead to anaphylactic shock and death from suffocation. In addition, abscesses may appear at the bite sites. To prevent this from happening, the wounds should be smeared with iodine.
vacuum pump for penis enlargement


If a man is not sure about the safety of folk methods, it is advisable for him to consult a doctor, or use proven dietary supplements or pharmaceutical preparations.